Monday, July 14, 2008

Z Gen Quizzing Part-2 "The PROMO"

Hey Guys here is my second post this time its a visual quiz.
stands a prize of 1000 bucks.
answers to those who reply.

1. It was formed by an art collector charles and 2 brothers whose name meant "watchmaker" in arabic. they recently have been working with iranian government to improve the image of iran. they have very successful stints to their name and their clint list includes very bigwigs like P&G, Toyota. Name the company.

Identify the companies or the brand being advertised from following ad campaigns

2. This global warming campaign by which brand

3. Drive against Breast cancer by which company?

4. Whose product?

5. Whose or which product?

6. Which company or brand?

7. Which campaign or about what it was?

8. The company?

9. Which company?

10. Which company?

11. Which advertiser?

mail your answers at


  1. Hi..the questions r kool but dont have any idea....n the 7th n 10th question are literally impossible tofind on google.....
