1. Identify this model looking character recently he was in news for some of his unusall but usuall actions.
2. We people in today's world owe a lot to him and his revolutioning thinking he plays a very important role in shaping in the e-commerece in a lot of countries is the founder and CEO of his company a world wide respected company that has a strong presence in almost all teh countries have a $36b operating revenues. Identify him.
3. This person has revolutionised the indian view literally and has left indians "wishing" for more. Identify him.
4. He was born in kaduna, nigeria in 1978 he kept moving between brussles, west london, newcastle and finally is these days in los angel. Who is he?
5. Connect the following people and identify them
6. Identify the product or the company.
7. Again identify the product or comapny being advertised
8. Identify the product.
9. Identify the product.